Your booking calendar allows customers a quick and easy transaction. Their info now stored, the customer list grows and the next booking will be even easier.
Manage your customer list, your staff, your location and much more from your secure admin area. Add as many users and set their appropriate privileges. This feature allows agencies and hotels to handle your bookings as well.
When booking from the admin area you are able to cancel and make other adjustments not available in the public calendar. Manage your offerings and create as many as you'd like. This gives you the opportunity to test new choices for your customers. Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Allows administrator/staff to manage:
Allows customers to:
Weather is a key player in this business and with it comes unavoidable cancellations. Unfortunately, merchant accounts charge you a fee for both the purchase and the refund transaction if an initial payment was processed.
Transaction example:
Days before the departure date, a customer pays $500 with a credit card for a private charter. Then, weather cancels the trip and the customer gets fully refunded. With an average transaction fee of 3%, the payment processor will keep about $30 of a trip you never took.
Though the weather is unavoidable, the fees are. Our custom gateway has been built to take this into account. No longer will you need to pay these fees when you process your transactions through our gateway.
BluePay is full service Tier 1 credit card processor based in Naperville, Illinois, with offices and data centers across the United States.
BluePay provides the highest level of data security in the industry, ensuring that merchants never have to worry about compromised card information.
Take a test drive on the demo of your choice, (no experience necessary).
Sell Unlimited Tickets - Offer Split or Shared Charters - Take Private Parties
One annual fee (per boat) for your booking software.
Ticketing: $499
Unlimited Tickets, Unlimited Private and Shared Charters
Private Charters: $399
Unlimited Private and Shared Charters
Both services include unlimited bookings - offerings - staff/users/agencies - locations
NACO is a national association of charterboat owners and operators that was formed in 1991. Representing thousands of individuals all across the United States, the membership includes marine charters who provide fishing, sailing, diving, eco-tours, and other excursion vessels who carry passengers for hire. As the premiere Association that represents charter boat interests, NACO's objective is to improve the professional charter boat operator's bottom line and to provide a strong voice in Washington, DC.
If you are not a NACO member and you sign up with them by the end of your free trial period you will be eligible for the 15% discount. By the way, our discount may more than cover the cost of a NACO membership. Click here to head on over to NACO to see how you can promote the health of your industry and at the same time enjoy the many benefits that NACO has to offer as well.